Jackson, Wyoming

Yesterday I went to Jackson Hole. Brother Parson, my painting teacher, took of few art students there as sort of a field trip. We went to a national park to take pictures to use as photo references for our paintings. Brother Parson showed us some places where he took photo references for his paintings in the Rexburg Temple. 
We met some guys who were getting ready to hike up the mountain and ski down. I was jealous of them. 

This is called Sleeping Indian mountain. 
Can you see him? His head is on the right. (Hmm.. it is hard to tell. Click on the picture.)

After the national park we went to the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Carl Rungius was an artist that Brother Parson was really inspired by, and now he is one of my new favorites too. I'm not crazy about wildlife art but Carl Rungius'  use of color is amazing. Then we went to a few of the best art galleries in town. We followed Brother Parson around as he critiqued the paintings. Then we wandered around town to see the sights. We looked at statues, and flowers, and bands playing in the street. I bought dark chocolate caramels, and we headed home. We stopped at every place on the side of the road that looked aesthetically interesting to take more pictures. It was great!
Here we are taking some pictures at a little stream we found by the road.

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