Carnage at the Demolition Derby

Our experience at the demolition derby this year was a little different than years past: Too many college students (yes, we contributed to that), not enough mullets, and not enough flames. But don't let that put a damper on things; this year the tires kicked mud in our faces. It was total carnage out there. 

Don't go to the Rexburg demolition derby. It's lame. Go to St. Anthony. 

Does anyone have an old car? Next year we want it to be our turn.
Nobody bet on this old beater, but he actually won.


Jeff & Jacki Sharp said...

Laura Laura Laura... first of all CONGRATS on getting married. And I didn't even know :( Whoops! We've been out of Rburg for almost 2 years now and I miss the demolition derby a lot. Congrats! Feel free to peek at our blog too if you wish. I love yours! Your friend Jacki from Tuscany

Wii are the Nelsons said...

call me when you want to do something, I lost our phone card so I can't call your phone at the moment.....we plan on doing a bonfire Saturday, the 27th (of course after the women's broadcast) with a bunch of people if you guys are interested.