At Home in Seattle

Laura and I wandered around Seattle our last Friday in town. They look like this...

We played with the Russ and Kristin Browns the night before that. The night before that (New Year's Eve) we played with the Andersons, but sadly we didn't bring out the camera. We got some good pictures of the Russ and Kristin Browns, though.

I love this picture. Nice rescue, Kristin.

Here's Nate having trouble with the binoculars.

This picture was for Jess. Note the Harbor Springs shirt on the far right. Jess sent that to us. She rocks.

I love that she let us see her braces in this one.

From left to right: Christy, Robert, Laura (and camera)

Apparently, to Russ, what was up Russell's nose was more entertaining than what was in Kristin's book. 

I'd like to claim this picture, but Christy took it.

con mis barbo.


Wii are the Nelsons said...

loves the new years glasses and the gingerbread houses

katbrown said...

Thanks for keeping record of some of the good times we had while you were here. Great pics as usual!

Jeff & Jacki Sharp said...

Great posts. Do you know how much I love Seattle? Oooh I do...

Christy said...

Great pics of Seattle. It is amazing to me how little of it we see and we live here:). I miss the Pike Place Market, gotta go there this summer. Love you guys!