at home on the other side of the country

We love it here in 
Arlington, VA/
Washington D.C.
It's quickly becoming home for us.
we went to The Burger Joint
in old town Alexandria 
with Emily

we saw the Washington Monument,
the White House,
and the Capitol,
and we saw a big crime scene area where a car crashed into a building while being chased by police. 


Jessica said...

Sounds fun! I have always wanted to visit that area. Aron will actually be over by you for work next week. I am so jealous!

Wii are the Nelsons said...

Mike said he'd be scared to live there after seeing the crime scene. I had Potbellys in Chicago, pretty tasty. Miss you guys!

aunt choody said...

Awesome photography. You two are just so photogenic.

katbrown said...

It's nice to see where you are and what you are doing. What a great time in your lives!

Jessica said...

Aron was wondering if you could email him your number since he doesn't have it. His email is
Hope you guys have a blast...did I mention I am SO JEALOUS??