Recently, Leah, and Other.

We haven't had one photo-worthy event lately, so I collected a handful pictures we've taken in the last while and made a kind-of-random post out of it. Here goes:

I turned in my last essay of the semester recently, so from now until my internship in August (it's in August now, not June), I am going to be editing and writing in preparation for graduation in the fall. My life is going to be busy and boring at the same time.

Laura was recently promoted to be a visual design coordinator at Anthropologie. She gets to do more artsy stuff now, gets better pay, but isn't as thrilled as she might of hoped by the spring-pony at the neighboring apartment complex.

We met my cousin Leah for dinner the other day and got stuck in a gratuitous spring storm. We waited under an awning at the Australian consulate for the carnage to end.

The rain looked like this.

I go to class in a building made the year Laura was born and co-sponsored by someone with Laura's first name, "Laura." Laura (Brown)'s mind was blown.

I took a lot of pictures of this bridge the other night while waiting to drive Laura home from work. They're kind of cool, but none of them are really great like I'd hoped, but I did take a whole lot of them. So, I'll probably post a few more as time goes on, just to make it worth it.

Laura has been making pizza lately and they have been amazing.

In Autumn I saw this cool tree and took a picture,

and then this winter the tree fell down

and recently I walked by and the tree is all gone, but the canal had a little water in it. (I don't have a picture to prove this, so I drew one. You probably thought Laura drew it, or that it was a real photograph, but, in fact, I drew it [on my computer].)

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