White House

My parents were in town last week, and AwesomeFrancis got us tickets to the White House because she's awesome, and while we were there Obama showed up to greet us.

He flew in just so he could exit a helicopter and run in the opposite direction. Just for us. (That's him running away.)

You can't bring cameras in the white house, but they allowed us a few cell phone pictures because it was a special occasion.
Every time I look at the $20 bill I think "That's a stupid lantern." This trip only reconfirmed that. Stupid lantern.
Apparently when you put your thumb and/or forefinger over the cell phone camera lens you get much better colors than otherwise. 

I neglected to download my parent's pictures before they left, but they've got a bunch-o-good-ones. In the mean time, though, I think these are pretty cool.

1 comment:

Wii are the Nelsons said...

That lantern does kinda look dumb