we're expecting!

...to sneak our own popcorn into the movie theater!
no, really, we did, and it was so sinful. a couple days ago we saw We Bought a Zoo. it was good, i'd recommend it. at the end of the movie, there is a touching scene about when matt damon first meets his wife. it's totally quiet, and i bet you some people were crying, and a little girl a few rows behind us shouts, "she doesn't look very modest" because the actress is wearing a tank top. oh... rexburg.


Katie said...

LOL you would've totally tricked me! That is hilarious, I think I'll try it sometime. Too stinkin' funny!

aunt choody said...

Ha ha ha! I love you guys.

Melanie said...

I remember doing that with you guys when we went to see Juno!

Megan Marie said...

Larsesssss, you just made my whole day much better.

Karyn said...

Have to admit my heart skipped a beat there for a second...ugh. Well, you will sure look adorable when the time comes, haha! Have you seen anthro's new children's line? I thought of you. You must have a girl for that one reason only :) Miss you guys!

katbrown said...

It is a little interesting to go in much larger than you come out of the theater. I always laugh at Jeff's pot belly that disappears magically!

Lisa said...

So funny!