le palais royal

heat wave. lasted for a few days while visiting paris.

during the hottest part of one of those days, we bought macaroons from piere herme and sat around the palais royal, waiting for the sun to get just a little lower before riding bikes somewhere else. we watched a man fishing for coins with a magnet-lure tied to a string (us coins aren't magnetic but euros are). we watched an old woman feeding birds and yelling at every child who tried to run to scare the birds into flight. people met and talked, and i felt like we were spying in on parisian locals in their own habitat. we watched this community until someone approached me and rattled off in french so quickly i could hardly understand a word. something about a sac she misplaced and whether i had seen it. we slipped away before our cover was blown and someone saw us for the tourists we really were.

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