Spruce Goose

While at home in Oregon, Robert, my mom, and I went to the Evergreen museum one morning. 
That Spruce Goose is a BIG plane. The museum that houses it is full of planes, but the Spruce Goose's wingspan covers them all. It's hard to imagine that it actually got up in the air.
This zippy red plane was one of my favorites.

The wooden planes were my favorite too. They reconstructed planes from the designs of da Vinci and the Wright brothers. 
This is the plane my grandfather flew in World War II. Its a B-14-or-something-or-rather. My grandpa flew supplies between the south Asian countries during the war. 
And this is me being a plane too. 
They had a chaise at the museum! I couldn't believe it, it was so cool.


Anonymous said...

You guys take the coolest pictures!! i love to look at what you take pictures of.

aunt choody said...

Laura, you are my favorite airplane.