I'm Happy Just to Dance With You

So I haven't really been posting much about anything lately. But I have my reasons: 
a) I don't like to bring the camera with us when we do things. And I don't like to post without pictures because I don't like words and talking. 
b) I don't really want to. Whenever I think about the blog, I think of other things I would rather do instead. 
And c) I don't have children. And people get really tired of posts about my tomato plants (which were totally rocking, by the way).

So here's some words about what we are doing:

Today I went to the Pre Professional Conference on campus to hear Robert. He won first place in two categories. He rocks too. His literary analysis essay won first place in it's category as well as his short fiction. And he's in the English Academic Society which runs the show. I heard one of Robert's presentations, I went to lunch with Mel, we listened to some big-time poet, and we ate lots of raspberry cheesecake, it was a great day. And my day isn't over, either, so I've gotta go make the most of it. Let's see, in other news we are on a really good soccer team, our church callings, school, and work keep us busy, and my teeth are weird.

Pictures next time. Or there won't be a next time. 

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

I care how your plants are doing. I bet they are sad just now.