Jess and Amol

My cousin Jess and her boyfriend, Amol, came to visit this weekend. Jess and I were penpals growing up, and we even published a newspaper one summer complete with interviews and (I'm assuming) the scores of our successful pinochle games. We played pinochle again this weekend.
Score (as noted elsewhere on the internet): Robert and Amol=162, Laura and Jess=119

We also paid a visit to our Great-great-great-great-great uncle Abe. (We're related to him somehow. Anyone have the details? Mom?)
We went to the Pacific side of the World War II memorial out of respect to our Grandpa Heinz.

I think the guy in the background is my favorite part.


katbrown said...

How fun! I love the reference to the great-great- etc. Uncle Abe! Abe is on The Price>Main>Scothorn>Tallman>Lincoln and Boone. So it works out that he is a 3rd cousin 6 times reomoved from you!

Emily and Rory said...

Haha. The guy in the background is still making me laugh.
p.s. I think I'll be a mad scientist for halloween. Something...mad....that's how our life is.