pictures we took with our Holga

this is a very random little collection of pictures we took with our plastic Holga camera. most of these have some double exposure going on at the edges. some are blurry. some aren't that great. but they are gems to us. each is a little piece of art and holds great memories.

the first three pictures are from our campground in Zion's National Park. we went camping there with the Perkes once. it was so much fun. I want to go again. 

i'm a hippie flower child at heart. this is in Rexburg.

Shoshone Falls. We used to go almost every time we visited grandmother in Twin Falls.

this is a pier in Seattle. 

and this is in a woody part of Rexburg.

these pictures are not the best quality. they are just pictures of pictures I took on our kitchen table. see?


Unknown said...

Hey those are great pics. So I have a question do you have Rusty's phone number or email I need to contact him. Thanks, oh and we miss you two.


Megan Marie said...

You guys are awesome. I am loving all the updates! Congratulations on the job, too!!! Your mom told me. :)

Matthew James said...

You guys have a Holga, too? Sweet!