how to make a homemade hamburger

First: Decide what to make.
I put a menu together of Robert's favorites from the burger joints in DC. He chose Spike's Sunnyside from Good Stuff Eatery. He also chose skin-on fries and a seasonal fruit shake. (I let Robert chose everything since this is an extension of his birthday celebrations.)
Bacon, eggs, cheese... I had everything except the Good Stuff Sauce. So I just thought I'd ask:

And what do you know, they responded promptly with a recipe! (I blurred the actual recipe so that Good Stuff and I can stay on good terms.)
Dinner last night was good. Especially after we had to give talks in church. Bleh.


Megan Marie said...

YUM. and i bet your talks were splendid. :)

Leah Z said...

That's so classy that they sent you a recipe!

Karyn said...

Can I have dinner at your place? That looks yummy!

Sunshine said...

Wow! Looks delish! Will you make those for us when you come? Wish I could have been there for your talks.

Wii are the Nelsons said...

How nice of them! looks yummy!