I can leave Rexburg

I've been a Dam Volunteer.
and while waiting for the marathon runners
 to show up at mile marker #8
 I decided to exercise a little creativity.

and none of the marathon runners stopped
 to drink the water, or the Gatorade,
 or use the Vaseline, or eat those energy packs.
so I took care of those, too.

today is this year's marathon.
so cheer on any runners you see!


The life of Jayne said...

Hey Laura, This is Jayne Ann Thayn- I found your blog through Megan's. Your blog is AWESOME! :) And I got a laugh when I clicked on the link about the Marathon, and noticed that they spelled School wrong....NICE!:)
I hope you guys are doing good! I sure miss the area out there...its my hometown...actually Menan is, and Madison was our rivals...but its all a great place! :)Take Care-
Jayne Ann

katbrown said...

I can see if they had tried to take a cup from the bottom row that might have been frustrating, but no takers is just WEIRD. Must be it was a cold spring day in Rexburg! HA