Rexburg Farewell Tour

Remember Kareem Abdoul Jabar's farewell tour? I certainly don't, but I'm aware that it took place. Well, Laura and I are feeling wistful about our upcoming move away from Rexburg, and though we are excited about moving to that other Washington, we are going to miss Rexburg. As a coping mechanism, we have decided to create a series of farewell blogs.

#1 The Demolition Derby
One day when I was missing school because I was sick, I saw a demolition derby portrayed in a movie starring that guy from "Night Court" (Harry Anderson?), and I thought, "Sometime when I'm not throwing up I'm going to go to one of those." And then I did. In Rexburg. With Laura. And soon, I'm going to miss this.

1 comment:

katbrown said...

I'm excited to see the rest of the FAREWELL TOUR!