Mr. and Mrs.

My husband and I had our two-year anniversary yesterday!
It was pretty low-key, we already celebrated in Mexico. 
But it was a happy day.
My husband made it that way.

I never have posted wedding pictures,
so I want to. 

We had a lovely party,
and delicious cakes,
and candies.
the flowers were beautiful
{and partially eatable}.
I was happy with the way my dress turned out
{I designed it myself!}
the flower girl was beautiful,
and the men were handsome.
my best friends celebrated with me,
I had love from my family,
and the legacy of my ancestors. 
but my favorite part
of our whole wedding
was being here,
in the temple,
with him.


Megan Marie said...

lovely post! So glad I was there! Doesn't time just zip by?

Katie said...

So beautiful! Congrats on you anniversary!! I bet your wedding was so much fun!

Kristin B. said...

I need a copy of that flower girl picture. Could you send me one sometime, and any others that you think we might like? No rush...

aunt choody said...

Happy Day! You were gorgeous and the cakes were amazing. :)

Sunshine said...

I'm so glad you found each other. Happy anniversary!