It started snowing this morning and has continued all day. I decided I would take a picture every half hour and get cool pictures of the snow getting progressively thicker. (I probably creeped out our neighbors a little.)

Unfortunately the snow reached a critical mass and then started turning into thick slush, so the pictures of the snow were boring.

Laura: "Why did she wipe the snow off the whole car?"

But then a guy got hit by a truck.

And as I was writing something on a car a dinosaur showed up. If I learned anything from Jurassic Park (and I have) it's that big dinosaurs can only see moving objects, so I stayed real still.

It was hard not to move when the dinosaur pulled out a very large, very flexible McDonalds straw and sucked up the dog. The owner pulled a "Donald Genarro."

This guy didn't know that
port-a-potties are the locations most often devastated by dinosaur attacks.
Eventually the carnage stopped, and I continued to write. Though, I didn't write the things I ought to have been writing (like the 60 pages of essays I have yet to finish in the next week and a half). Merry Christmas, though, everyone.

Afterward, Laura fixed me some hot cider and we made cookies together

Laura's note: "this is a lame post, robert"
1 comment:
Why does this remind me of elementary school papers that always delighted me so much?!
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