Museum Hopping

There are 19 Smithsonian museums around DC, and we would have been to all of them already--I think we've been to 14 or so--except we rarely get out of one without spending all day there. Here are some museum pictures we've taken in the last week or so.

Renwick Gallery

American History Museum

This is the piston to a steam engine which used to power New York. They had a whole room full of steam engines. Our camera died on this trip or else we would have had far more pictures of the museum.

This section was supposed to be for kids, but we ended up spending over a half an hour there.

Church incorporated into GWU campus

This one is actually not a museum, but it was pretty cool anyway

National Portrait Gallery

This place is becoming my favorite place to study. It's just two metro stops or so from school, and you can eat, and it's quiet but not too quiet. Perfect.

Laura thinks this looks kind of like her Dad. Kind of. Mostly the hair. Bonus points to the first person to name him.

We've been to the National Portrait Gallery two or three times now, but we'd never gone up to the top floor because we always ran out of time looking at the bottom two. Well, the top floor sealed the deal; it is now my official favorite. Point you, National Portrait Gallery.


katbrown said...

I love that you are sharing D.C. with us! You will certainly have memories to take with you from this place!

Katie said...

Oh man, I can't wait to get up there someday to visit, so glad to be on the East Coast. The portrait gallery looks AMAZING!

Sunshine said...

is it honest Abe?

Laura said...

no. close, but no. abe was uglier.

katbrown said...

Is it Andrew Jackson?

Robert said...

Yeeeaaaaahhhhh. Nice work. You used a $20 didn't you?