wandering around, eating cheap food

We thought winter in DC was fun but man, we sure love spring.
Robert is all through with classes for the semester, and my job is more fun than ever. It feels like we are always on vacation. We regularly act like tourists, except we carry less and usually know where we are going. Sometimes it's more fun to lay in the grass and watch the tourists rather than actually go inside the Capitol.

Robert with his tall can of 99¢ mango juice.

Robert's cousin Leah came to town and we met her for dinner. After dinner we were caught a thunderstorm and we sat on the steps of the Australian embassy to watch the lightning and keep dry from the downpour. It was warm and muggy and I like the way it makes my skin feel.
This is me on another such rainy day at The Burger Joint.
"Free food tastes better"
So Robert says.
And it seems we are always finding it.
Like this Mexican food on Cinco de Mayo.
Ice cream on a hot day. Also free.
Sidewalk cafe. So Roman Holiday.
It's hard to resist not picking up a free cupcake on my lunch break when Georgetown Cupcake is right next to my work. Free! Just for being their friend on facebook. I'll never pay for a cupcake again.
GW is always grilling hot dogs (free for students and student's spouse of course).


Laura said...

Is thing thing working? There should be 10 pictures. Can you see them all?

Wii are the Nelsons said...

Yup it's working - I counted 10 pictures. How long have you had your hair cut - cute! Lucky with the free food - I want some!