yankee doodle dandy

Once upon a time we celebrated the Fourth of July.
We didn't take any digital pictures, but I got these from my sister.
Jenn, Robert ad me at the dress rehearsal for the Capitol 4th concert. My cousins Chris and Jenn came to town for the weekend, and so did the Christensens. I mean, there's really no better place to celebrate the 4th of July.
Sitting next to Lincoln, waiting for the firework show.
We had the best weekend. We saw old friends, went swimming, ate at both of my favorite burger joints; all within view of some of the strongest symbols of our freedom.


Wii are the Nelsons said...

Wow that looks so cool to be there!

Melanie said...

How fun. I can't even imagine how neat it would be to celebrate our nation's freedom in DC. Very cool.